mercredi 14 juillet 2010

Lama tutorial blueprint: preambule

Computers are amazing machines. Thanks to Internet and to free software, it is quite easy to find software that fits our needs -- for free.

However, the more the task to do is particular, the harder it is to find a ready-made piece of software. Often, as a matter of fact the task is a combination of simpler ones, for which programs do exist. But how to combine them?

This problem, probably as old as computers, has different kinds of solutions. The first one consist in including some communication or cooperation means between applications. Those who promote the "Unix philosophy" are in favor of that; they believe that each program should only do one thing, and that we should build applications by linking them together with pipes, in which flows textual data. This approach is in use in Linux for moderately complex programs. Because in practice, the more the application is complex, the even more complex is the required "plumbing".

The second kind of solution is to create "big" but extensible software; most of the times by the mean of an embedded programming language. A popular exemple of this are web browsers like Firefox; one may also think of office suites. The drawback is that this extensibility is often limited to the domain of the application.

The last kind of solution consists in programming by ourselves what we need. We build our application by assembling software components with a scripting (or "glue") language.

Note that all three require some amount of programming.

I believe that the last approach is the best one, because it doesn't suffer the limitations or constrains of the others: using a true programming language allows to manipulate data in their original form rather than in a textual form, which makes things easiers. And by using software components, we are able to freely combine functions that belong to completely differents domains.

There are already plenty of languages for this, like Lua or Python. However, none of them gather the set of features that I think are required in order to allow those who feel able to, to program by themselves what they want.

These features are:

  • Early checks to flag the most obvious programming mistakes. The corner stone for this is static type checking. Most of the scripting languages check very few things; as a consequence a stupid typo can lead to a hard to find bug.
  • To accept that programming is a mean, not an end. Most languages are designed with the assumption that either you want to become a "true" programmer, or that you already are. Few assume that you program on the week-end just like others throw shelves together.
  • Correctness. Scripting languages are often designed with the idea that scripts are little, personnal throw-away programs, that don't need to be reliable or entirely correct. From my perspective, and in my experience, a program that deserved to be written is a program that might be reused and enhanced. To write a correct, reliable and robust program from the beginning is most of the time a benificial investment.
  • Efficiency. Scripting languages, by nature, are slower and more memory hungry than others; but some are abnormally. A greater efficiency allows to delay the moment when the programmer has to rethink its program because it is way too slow.

This is why I had to create Lama.

Although Lama is design to be approachable, I do not promise you that things will always be simple, smooth and easy. The picture of the typical Lama user I have in mind, is someone with some scientific education, or at least who has a logical mind. A prior programming experience is welcome, but not required.

Because programming requires that (this, and also some patience and self-control); those who promise you Easiness incarnated are always decieving you in a way or another.

This means that you will have to invest some efforts to read, experiment and understand, for instance, the difference between an entity and the reference to an entity; the concept of a type or of a closure, may also give you a hard time.

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